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Kis Hőtérkép

Kis Hőtérkép Magyarországról

Napfogyatkozás 2006 03 29
A szerető hivatásos intézménye
Térhajtómű Miguel Alcbeirre 1996
Térhajtómű Miguel Alcbeirre 1996
Centrifugális electrohidrogén vízbontás:Mehet a Hidrogén autó


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As reserves of organic exhaust the tendency of transition to the fuel of the 21-st century to hydrogen is observed. Hydrogen has the highest calorific value, ecologically pure combustion, and potential of the use for production electric power at low temperatures (in combustion cells). The reversible transformation of water to hydrogen fuel or electric power without pollution of the atmosphere has no other analogs. There are grounds to consider that in living beings the similar transformation for a long time is attained by means still unknown, to us at small temperatures and without expenditures of energy.

Now combustion cells are rapidly improved, but methods of extraction of cheap hydrogen have then less encouraging. Up to now about 90 % of hydrogen consumed today is produced from gessoes fuel, it is only enrichment, instead of economy.

The method of extraction of hydrogen from water by an expensive enough electrolysis is known. Attempts to use for this purpose the cheaper thermal energy with the help of thermo chemical of cycles have not yet succeeded [1]. Therefore, any attempts of production of hydrogen from water at low temperatures and without expenditures of electric power from an exterior power source should attract steadfast attention of experts.

During 2002 … .2005 in LLC "Alambic Alpha" an essentially new centrifugal electro hydrogen generator (EHG) has been designed, manufactured and is tested. In an patent [2] the installation for decomposition of water in the centrifugal field offered. As energy the kinetic energy of generator rotation and the thermal energy, supplied from the outside for maintenance of the endothermic reaction of water decomposition is used. In Fig. 1 photos of two designed and tested EHG modification are given.

Given in Fig. 2es the plan of EHG operation on a sulfate electrolyte is given.

The electrolyte is working volume of the rotor through a hole in the arbor. Near rim the electrolyte is drawn through the channel in the lateral surface of the housing and in the field of small pressures near to the arbor it is discharged outside. In the exterior circuit circulation the electrolyte in separated from gas, and bubble, and heated up. It is supplemented with water is and again returned to the rotating housing, by the pump through a hole in the arbor.

With beginning of rotor rotation there the electrolyte in it is untwisted. Heavier SO42- ions superseded to the rim, light H3O+ ions are des placed to the arbor. Near the rims a negative charge is formed, near the arbor positive charges are formed. With the increase of rotor revolutions n the quantity of the charge and its potential grow. When the potential value begins to exceed the potential barrier on the metal – electrolyte interface, there appear conditions for the motion of electrons in the exterior electric circuit. Under the action of generator potential difference between the cathode and the anode in the exterior electric circuit, if it is close, current begins to a traverse. Inside the electrolyte the motion of the ionic current makes the electric circuit. The electrolysis of water with extraction of oxygen near to the anode and the hydrogen near to the cathode (see Fig. 2) begins. On the surface of the anode bubbles of oxygen arise, and in crease in volume. They come off the surface by Archimedean force, transported through the electrolyte in to the area of small pressures near to the arbor and through a hole in the arbor they discharged are outside. The bubbles, that are generated on a surface of the cathode of hydrogen come off the arbor and also are discharged.

The specific feature of transport of the ionic current to electrodes during an electrolysis of water in the EHG is the combination of interaction centrifugal and electromagnetic fields with ions, peculiarities of hydrodynamics of the radial flow and the colliding transport bubbles, and molecules of oxygen, generated at electrodes. In full to describe this process theoretically today represents much complexity. Therefore three-dimensional differential equations of motion and continuities of an electrolyte, diffusion of ions in an electrolyte, without no account of phase transitions on boundary, transport of bubbles through the volume of electrolyte were solved jointly.

Equations of motion and continuities of electrolyte in a cylindrical coordinate system RZφ:

, (1)

, (2)

, (3)

, (4)

where U is velocity of motion of an electrolyte, F is strengths of field centrifugal and Archimedean forces in a centrifugal field.

Diffusion equations describing the process of diffusion of ions under the action of centrifugal, electrostatic and magnetic forces FF:

, (5)

, (6)

where C is concentration of SO42- and H3O+, D are diffusion constants.

The numerical solution of the system of the differential equations (1-6) has allowed one to determine the time of acceleration of the electrolyte and to reveal features of the a motion of electrolyte in the rotating rotor.

The analysis of streamlines shows, that in the accepted geometry of the housing there are problems of renewal of the electrolyte in the zone of reverse currents, where electrodes are located. The electrostatic forces occurring near the charges attenuate the action of the centrifugal force. Around of rotarigs positive and negative charges magnetic fields are formed.

In a Fig. 2 shown in the left-hand upper corner to the direction of circulation of the magnetic intensity H in one of planes Б in the electrolyte. At the motion of this plane around the rotor axis the surface of revolution is formed emerging end faces of the rotor. The force of action of a magnetic field on ions SO42- combines with the centrifugal force. The force of magnetic field action on positively ionized molecules is added to the Archimedean force. The solution of equations (1-6) has allowed spotting laws of reparation of ions.

In Fig. 3 it is seen, that in τ =400s from the beginning of acceleration of the electrolyte, at rotor speed n=8000 rev/min the separation negative and positively ionized molecules (Cs is concentration of negative SO42-, Ch is concentration of positively ionized molecules) comes to an end, that reveals tenability of electrolysis if performance of particular requirements, are met.

As the temperature of electrolyte T and rotor speed n increase the yield of hydrogen VH2 increases.

For experimental verification of the obtained theoretical deductions on the feasibility of electrolysis of water in the centrifugal field designed and two EHG constructions are tested (EHG-2, diameter d=24 cm and width H=8 cm; EHG-3, d=14.6cm, H=8 cm, see Fig. 1). The yield of hydrogen was registries with the help of ÀBP-2 gas analyzer [3], the data unit which of reacts only to the presence of hydrogen in the gas.

The results of experimental examinations of EHG-3 during 12.01-05.02 2005 year have confirmed reliably an the tenability of electrolysis of water in the centrifugal field. Measurements showed at rotor speeds of 6800 8000 rev/min and temperature of electrolyte T=30 60oC the active output of hydrogen was VH2=20.1 vol. % (21.2 24.6 liter/hour), in which the contribution of " electrolytic and chemical " hydrogen did not exceed VH2e/VH2=1.3 0.85 %.

The expected economic indices are attractive at operation of the EHG, which consumes cheap kinetic and thermal energy, not creating of unwieldy and expensive problems of storage and transport of hydrogen the consumer. Based on the experimental data of "AUTOVASE" [4], the use of hydrogen obtained the in EHG for enrichment of the petrol- air mixture by 15 % in the internal combustion engine increments its power by 30 % and reduces the tonicity of combustion gases, by a factor of 2-3.

For the receptions of hydrogen in EHG can be used a kinetic energy from wind, steam, gas and hydraulic turbines and thermal waste energy emissions of manufacture.


1. The main result of the investigations performed is the theoretical substantiation and experimental verification of the feasibility of electrolysis of water in the centrifugal field.

2. The theoretical three-dimensional model of dynamic process of a motion of an electrolyte in a centrifugal field is designed; that of diffusions of ions in conditions of action of viscosity, centrifugal and electromagnetic forces; an electrolysis of water.

3 The EHG-2 and EHG-3 are made and are tested, working operate at temperature up to 70oC in the aggressive sour mediums electrolyte at the peak pressure up to 5 MPa, rotor speed up to 12000 rev/min.

4. The trials of the EHG-3 with a squirrel-cage rotor on 05.02.2005 reliably proved the output of hydrogen at the rate of 21.2 24.6 liter/hour (volumetric content 20.1 % at the temperature of electrolyte T=30oC and rotor speed n=6800 rev/min, efficiency 0.16 0.18). The analysis of gas obtained in the EHG has shown, that it contains no more than 1.3 % of " chemical and electrolytic " hydrogen.

5. For improvement of production technology and increase of the yield of hydrogen of semi production sample LLC "Alambic Alpha" initiates development of EHG-4 (diameter d=15 cm, width H=8 cm).

6. The capabilities of the use of kinetic energy of turbines, internal combustion engines and the waste thermal energy for extraction of hydrogen from water in the EHG are rather promising.


1. Shpilrain E.E., Malyshenko S.P., Kuleshov G.G. Introduction in hydrogen energetic, M., 1984,(in Russian).

2. Mogilevski I. N., Surikov A.K.., Ovsyannikov.Ye.M., Installation for decomposition of water by electrolysis. Patent №2224051 (Russia), Publicated.20 02 2004.(in Russian)

3. Portable multifunctional AHP-2 analyzer of hydrogen, Manufactures "Alpha Bassens ", Faculty "Biophysics", MFTI, M., 2003.(in Russian)

4. Sorokin A.I., Mirsoyev G.K. The comparative analysis of automobile internal combustion engines and power systems on fuel devices, Roceedings of 11th All-Russia Seminars, Novosibirsk, 2003.(in Russian)

Ye. M. Koshelyaev, “Keldysha Research Center", Moscow
I. N. Mogilevski, LLC "Alambic Alpha", Moscow, E-mail: ioana@mail.ru


| ©2005 Аламбик-Альфа


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